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Amber Johnson: New York City, New York

As you may know, I am embarking on a new adventure in service for the upcoming year 2023-24. In August, I will be re-joining Mercy Volunteer Corps (MVC) in New York City. In 2019-20, I embraced the MVC journey in Philly, serving as a food & health access liaison at Nationalities Service Center, working to aid those with refugee and immigrant status. It was amazing to be a part of a team that integrated new folks into their new home & country, despite the added challenges of the pandemic. This year I am continuing to pursue my passion for learning and education as an educator and academic support at Cristo Rey Brooklyn (CRB) high school. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve, integrate within, and impact my local community in NYC.

As I embark on this year of dedicated service, I will be serving with my education team to provide accessible, high quality education to students whose families live at or below the national poverty level and deserve just as much support, energy, resources, and care as anyone. I ask you to support me through MVC with a small donation, if possible. I am hoping to raise at least $500 which will enable me to make a difference not only in the gift of my time and talent at CRB, but in financial support of the mission of MVC too. Even a small donation of a few dollars will make a difference and help me to reach (or exceed!) my goal. I am so grateful for all of the good thoughts, prayers and intentions, and financial support! Thank you!!

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