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Jerica Mueller: Baltimore, Maryland

Hi everyone, thanks so much for visiting my page! As you may know, I am preparing to embark on a new step in life’s journey this fall. In early August, I will be joining Mercy Volunteer Corps (MVC) in Baltimore, Maryland. In the year that I am there I will be serving as a Healthcare Advocate at Mercy Medical Center, ensuring that patients of all backgrounds get the highest quality of care. I am so beyond fortunate to have been accepted into MVC; I know this next year will grow and challenge me in ways I cannot yet fathom!

Like so many charitable organizations, MVC relies on the financial support of the community to reach out in service to the most vulnerable members of our world. I ask that you join me in reaching out to be of service to those around us. I’m hoping to raise at least $500 that will enable me to make a difference not only in the gift of my time and talent at Mercy Medical Center, but in financial support of the mission of Mercy Volunteer Corps as well. Even a small donation of a few dollars will make a difference and help me to reach (or exceed!) my goal! I could not thank you all and MVC enough, but know I am tremendously grateful and truly blessed to receive all of your support- financial or otherwise!

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