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In partnership with the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, members of Mercy Volunteer Corps (MVC) enter into relationship with people who are experiencing injustices, in any form. In a spirit of mutuality, volunteers cultivate mercy and justice in the world by embracing compassionate service, social justice, spiritual growth, and a simple lifestyle in community.

The applicant has chosen you to share more with us as we consider whether MVC and the applicant are compatible. Your candid comments will aid in our discernment process. If you would prefer to submit this form as a Word document please email

This reference, along with the complete application packet, will be reviewed by MVC staff, an application screening committee, and supervisory staff at a potential service site for the applicant.

"*" indicates required fields

Reference's Name*
Applicant's Name*
Mercy Ecospirituality Center Mission Statement: To inspire reverence for Earth and to work toward the sustainability of life by acting in harmony with all creation. The space offers opportunities for reflection, education and living gently in mutual relationship with the Earth.

ARISE Adelante Mission Statement: To promote the personal development and empowerment of the immigrant community, especially women and children through educational programs that strengthen their organized community and civic participation.

Characteristic Evaluation

Please indicate which description best fits the applicant for each characteristic below. Please use the comment section at the bottom of this page to elaborate on any answer you feel would benefit from an explanation.
1. Sense of humor*
2. Maturity*
3. Emotional Stability*
4. Ability to get along with others, particularly of different backgrounds/experiences from their own*
5. Common Sense*
6. Dependability*
7. Ability to complete physical labor for extended periods of time*
8. Initiative*
9. Flexibility*
10. Ability to accept criticism*
11. Effective use of time*
12. Ability to express feelings*
13. Ability to work alone*
14. Ability to work with others*
15. Ability to accept supervision*
16. Ability to adapt to new or unstructured situations*
17. Ability to process and reflect on life experiences*

Overall Rating

Overall, how would you describe the applicant?*
Please choose one.

Signature Authorization


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