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Marie is the program director, overseeing all of the activity related to our Mercy Volunteer Corps program. Marie also supports our MVC communities in Cincinnati, OH and Savannah, GA. She served as a Mercy Volunteer from 1999-2000 in Baltimore and as a volunteer for the Lalanne program from 2000-2002 in Detroit. At the completion of her volunteer years in Detroit, Marie remained as a high school religion teacher and campus minister at Dominican High School & Academy. During that time, Marie was a member of the local support team for our MVC community in Detroit. She joined the MVC staff in 2005.

Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies, University of Dayton
Mercy Spirituality Graduate Certificate, Georgian Court University
Mercy Associate

I am happy to talk to you about Mercy Volunteer Corps and our mission. Feel free to contact me using any of the following methods:

Phone: 215.346.6643

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