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A Year of Relationship

Warm greetings from the Sacred Grounds coffee shop on Hayes Street just a couple blocks from the eastern edge of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, California. I managed to pay for my $3.25 drink with three dollar bills, one…

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Welcoming Immigrants Home

Where to begin? Six months have passed, yet I feel like I just began to get the hang of things. Growing up the daughter of two immigrants and biracial, I can empathize with the feeling of existing in between; as…

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The Unknown

A year of service. Eleven months, seven students, four new roommates, one Native American reservation, zero familiar faces, and thousands of miles away from home - that’s what I signed up for. I signed up for the unknown, the unfamiliar,…

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Practicing Resurrection

It was in the second semester of my senior year that I was assigned to read “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front” by Wendell Berry. One of my favorite professors at Creighton University, Dr. Roger Bergman, often honored his roots…

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A Guyanese Christmas

It's that time of year again- time for giving gifts, giving thanks, and giving back. My year is looking a bit different from my usual Italian-American Christmas in New York. Instead, for the second time, I'm celebrating my Christmas in…

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