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Mercy Has No Social Rules

“Once you look people in the eye, it’s harder to forget that they’re human, that they’re struggling, that God loves the man who just stepped on your foot and didn’t apologize or the woman who shoved her way onto an…

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A Journey In Mercy

Throughout my years at Misericordia University, I fell in love with the charisms that were at the core of the school’s ethos. One of these charisms that Misericordia promotes is service and while attending this Mercy school this value quickly…

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The Chaos of Another

“Mercy is the willingness to enter into the chaos of another.”  This quote from John Keenan, appeared to me at the St. Peter's School Faculty Retreat just a few short weeks ago.  The other faculty members and I were given…

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Serving in a Preschool

This year, I'm spending my days as a preschool aide at Mercy Neighborhood Ministries (MNM) in Philadelphia. As I sat in traffic on my way home from work, typical for Philadelphia, I reflected on the past 8 months and compiled…

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