My name is Silvana Arevalo, and I am a Mercy Volunteer in Baltimore, MD, working…
A Year of Growth
Mercy Volunteer Corps has helped me to grow and to ‘Come Alive’ in many different ways. I have learned so much by doing this year of service, and recommend that everyone consider a volunteer year. This year I have learned how to use public transportation, drive a 12-passenger van, budget money for a month, and learn from people who are different than me, especially adults who have a disability.
I am a different person because of my year of service. I have done things I would have never done before this year. I have eaten a crab, seen boats at Christmas time decorated with lights, had a snowball (snowcone) and tried a Berger cookie (a Baltimore cookie covered in fudge). I have learned and experienced many things at my site, especially that teaching is not always easy and can be very hard at times. At my site, St. Peter’s Adult Learning Center, I am leading the choir and the basketball program. The choir is starting off very well and I am excited to see the progress, and the basketball program allows me to enjoy spending time playing a sport while getting to know the clients.
I know there are many more things to come but I feel like I grew so much so far this year. I am truly thankful for the support here in Baltimore (especially our support team for dinners at both your houses and ours!). You have helped me to continue on this journey and have blessed me with your presence.
I understand what Mercy means to me: Mercy is to serve others in any way that you can.
Sarah Anderson: Baltimore, Maryland
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