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Just a Regular Day at the Clinic

Devarsh is a Mercy Volunteer serving at St. Frances Cabrini Clinic in Detroit, MI. The clinic provides a holistic approach toward meeting the primary health care needs of economically disadvantaged residents of Southwest Detroit and beyond. They offer education, prevention, and treatment without charge, but with deep compassion and respect for the people they serve and their needs.

His many responsibilities include greeting patients, helping them with insurance, and scheduling appointments. His reflection is an artful interpretation of his day-to-day interactions:

It was a regular day at the clinic-Although I am not sure if this clinic even has a “regular”’ day. 

*Tring….Tring, Tring, Tring* 

Hello, This is Dev at the Cabrini Clinic, how can I help?

Um hi, this is Dr. Frankenstin calling from my underground lab. Frankenstein needs a test because I am starting him/her on a new drug but he/she does not have insurance so I was wondering if you could schedule him/her for one at your Clinic.

Yes, we can, however, our next available appointment is not until a week from now.

Oh, that’s too late for the test, it needs to be done within a certain window.

I understand but this is the best I can do, however, I could refer you to some other free clinics.

Here you go, blah blah blah…


*Tring….Tring, Tring, Tring* 

Hi, this is Dev at the Cabrini Clinic. How can I help?

Hey, so that appointment a week from now works…

Okay then, let me see

Devarsh’s artist statement: In a technological world, where human values lag behind innovative advancement this piece aims to draw the viewer not towards what is being said but what is unsaid. We see the world as it is and that is the inherent problem we face since reality is often obscured by materialistic beauty. Within healthcare, problems are often experienced silently and in the background. Nonetheless, these problems do exist and this piece tries to bring to light how stories can hide the realities of pain and suffering that can often be experienced by a patient that is unable to access the care that they need.

Devarsh Desai: Detroit, Michigan

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