Devarsh is a Mercy Volunteer serving at St. Frances Cabrini Clinic in Detroit, MI. The…
A Journey of Growth, Life, and Beauty
“Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom.” Translated to English, the German Proverb means: “Only dead fish swim with the stream.”
The service year with Mercy Volunteer Corps is challenging, but I often remind myself that it is for a greater purpose and that I am blessed to gain a greater awareness of the injustices of this world. There is growth, life, and beauty in this journey. In my opinion, it is not enough to blindly go with the flow. There is life in being challenged and challenging the status quo. It takes courage to be different and speak up. It might be easier to be swept into the current of culture, but it would not be as rewarding.
Charlotte Waterhouse: Detroit, Michigan
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