(pictured left to right: Mercy Volunteers Janice, Patrick, and Kasey) There have been many enriching…
Enriching Experiences with Community, Connection & the Earth
(pictured from left to right: Grace, Kaitlyn, Cindy, Chris)
The most enriching part of this experience can be summed up in one word: connection. I have been an integrated part of something wholesome and authentic while spending time at the Mercy Ecospirituality Center. Some of my favorite moments have been doing farm chores while the sheep wait close by for pets, having spiritual discussions with my fellow volunteers and staff, weeding outdoors completely enveloped in nature, resting indoors in a house full of history, and receiving wisdom from visitors and farming friends of the Center. Through all moments I have felt a sense of belonging and hope, while experiencing proximity with the Mercy values. Thank you to all who have made this experience possible! – Kaitlyn Furr
So far the most enriching part of this experience has been the community. To think we were all strangers three weeks ago is crazy. As a group we all mesh very well and all understand each other’s strengths. I also think it has been very cool to just have amazing conversations as a community throughout our time here. We are able to have deep discussions and also have a lot of fun which I think is very important. We have all learned so much from each other and I can’t wait to learn more. – Grace Rooks
It is really hard to pinpoint one thing that has been the most enriching aspect of the experience here at the Mercy Ecospirituality Center. It has all been amazing! Working in the gardens, feeding the chickens, petting the sheep, maintaining the Cosmic Walk Trail, helping at Foggy Meadows, taking freshly grown food to the local food pantry, or just hanging out around the farm I guess the shared experience with my fellow volunteers particularly our spiritual nights stands out above everything else. I never would have imagined how four people of such vastly different backgrounds and ages could come together as a community and share so deeply in such a short time. In twenty years when I look back on this MVC experience it will surely be Grace, Kaitlyn, and Cindy that I will remember most and how they enriched my life during this time together. I am forever grateful. – Chris Thompson
The most enriching parts of this second year with MVC has been living in community with the other volunteers and reconnecting with the earth and animals here at MEC. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know these amazing young women and working side by side with them around MEC. We’ve shared deep and meaningful conversations while weeding in the gardens or working on a puzzle or over a campfire. Our spiritual nights are so rich and life giving and something I look forward to each week. And we’ve shared lots of laughs over meals and maple creemees! Being back for a second year to work in the gardens, walk the land and interact with the sheep and chickens and BC makes my heart happy. I just love spending time in the barn petting and brushing Bailey, Nibbles and Gnome and look forward to an occasional early morning visit from BC while I have coffee on the back deck. God is truly present in the peacefulness and beauty here at MEC! – Cindy Thompson
Kaitlyn Furr, Grace Rooks, Chris Thompson, Cindy Thompson: Benson, Vermont
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